Årets Herpetolog 2015

Ett stort grattis till Gowri Shankar till priset ”Årets Herpetolog 2015” som delades ut på Sveriges Herpetologiska Riksförenings årsmöte den 30:e januari 2016.


Priset för Årets Herpetolog 2015 tilldelas Gowri Shankar med följande motivering:

The award winner has during 2015 contributed to herpetology in Sweden by sharing his knowledge of reptile ecology in general and Indian herpetology in particular. He has by giving lectures, in conversation and with his research shown great commitment to herpetology and considerable generosity in sharing his knowledge of the subject.

The winner has besides his international academic work contributed to spreading know- ledge and conservation e orts locally in his home country. By this work he has contributed to a greater understanding for reptiles and their ecological importance. rough his relocation program he has also given snakes otherwise doomed to certain death a second chance. e Swedish Herpetological Society award “Herpetologist of the Year” goes to Gowri Shankar.

Congratulations Gowri Shankar for the award ”Herpetologist of the Year 2015”, which was presented at the annual meeting of the Swedish Herpetological Society.


Dennis Hägg, Mårten Perneberg och Axel Berglund med diplomet.
Gowri kunde tyvärr inte närvara.

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